
A Promise from Breakfast @ Nippon

“旬・香り・手触り” 忙しい朝に、そのような会話のある豊かで温かなご飯のある場所 ブレックファスト@ニッポン。


I want to convey something not about skill, but about thoughts behind making something. A taste of Japan that you can't get at restaurants. An understanding of (form).
"Season, fragrance, feel." A place to have conversations like that while eating rich, warm food on busy mornings. Breakfast @ Nippon.

If we are what we eat, we might say that food is also what has created nations and cultures.
The foundation of Japan. Our link with the earth. We will help to restore this needed circle.

ブレックファスト@ニッポンの約束「つながる輪っか」A Promise from Breakfast @ Nippon - Connecting circles
